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Human Resources

Cloud Management

Business continuity and the conditions of global competition necessitates rapid adaptation to new technologies. This necessity steers companies towards software-defined architectures and cloud technologies, and away from conventional hardwired architecture. Cloud technologies provide companies with ease of adaptation, business continuity and a competition advantage, increasing their ability to manage the change with convenience, flexibility, and savings in initial investment costs. Data Market, with its expert staff, provides end-to-end consultancy and technical support services in the process of adapting to cloud technologies, to help businesses manage this transformation in the best way possible.

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Stop worrying about technology issues. Just focus on your work. Let us determine and manage the technology you need for you.

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Teknoloji sorunları hakkında endişelenmeyi bırakın. Sadece işinize odaklanın. İhtiyacınız olan teknolojiyi sizin için belirleyip, yönetelim.

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