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Human Resources

Field Services

HomeOur ServicesField Services
Field Support Services offered by Data Market include support services provided at the location of the customer or remotely for the efficient and uninterrupted operation of the IT systems. In this service where telephone support, remote connection, on-site intervention, preventative maintenance, and repair services including parts are provided or customised in accordance with the needs and problems arising in IT systems are solved with a guarantee of specific response and solution time. The service includes design, planning, implementation and post-application support services related to new system installation, deployment of applications and drivers.

Scope of Our Field Support Services

Telephone Support

Our customers who benefit from this service can get expert assistance from our Call Centre for 7x24 or 5x8 Data Market regarding their problems.

Protective Maintenance

Protective maintenance controls the systems regularly; foresees and prevents possible problems.

Installation and Propagation

Data Market promotes the operating systems, services, and applications in the existing structures of organisations to a new and better-performing versions without interrupting the operation and causing data loss. This service covers all design planning, implementation and support services related to the transition to version applications.

Remote Access

Our customers who benefit from this service can get expert assistance of Data Market employees via remote desktop access regarding their software-based problems.

Transportation and Change of Location Services

Data Market provides all the solutions that you might need when you are changing the location of your organisation. Within this scope, all operational processes required for the transportation of your business to the new working environment are planned and turn-key projects are conducted within the framework of this plan.

Parts-Included Repair Services

Repair services including parts prevent unpredictable spare parts costs due to malfunctions; prevent downtime and losses.

On-Site Intervention

Software-based problems and equipment problems that cannot be solved via remote access are solved on-site by Data Market experts.

Contact Us

Stop worrying about technology issues. Just focus on your work. Let us determine and manage the technology you need for you.

Contact Us

Stop worrying about technology issues. Just focus on your work. Let us determine and manage the technology you need for you.

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