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Virtualization Solutions

HomeOur SolutionsVirtualization Solutions

Today, considering the systems that do not include virtualization, it is seen that approximately 15-20% of the available capacity is used and the rest is idle. With virtualization, fewer physical resources are used, and idle capacities are evaluated efficiently and actively. Thus, energy, space, maintenance and management resources are saved. Thanks to the flexibility and ease of management that comes with virtualization, successful business continuity solutions can also be produced. With virtualization solutions, the loss of manpower is reduced and significant savings in operating costs are achieved.

With its virtualization solutions, Data Market helps reduce costs, ensure energy savings and business continuity, simplify management and more by decreasing hardware requirements.

Our Competency

Master Services Competency

MSC is a program launched by VMware in 2017 in order to implement project-based solutions in the organizations correctly and provide the necessary support.

With Our Data Center, Cloud and Network Virtualization competencies that we have within this program, we have accomplished many successful projects in Turkey and its regions on behalf of WMware.

6 Reasons to Choose Virtualization

Our Virtualization Solution Portfolio

SDDC Virtualization

The hybrid cloud becomes easy to configure and operate. It provides cloud management services to run enterprise applications in both private and public cloud environments.

Network Virtualization

This is the network virtualization platform used in the software-defined data center model that enables the operational model of virtual machines to be used for network builds.

Data Center Virtualization

The software-defined data center (SDDC) is a new generation data center model where the entire infrastructure is virtualized and served as a service.

Server Virtualization

Server physical resources are converted into virtual resources by the virtualization layer. Maximum efficiency is achieved with minimum hardware, and resources are saved.

Corporate Mobility

The compliance of the increasing number of mobile devices and computers in the corporate networks with company security policies and data security before joining the network is ensured.

Application Virtualization

This is a solution that allows applications to be distributed and delivered as a service without being installed on user computers.

Desktop Virtualization

Desktop Virtualization allows users to virtualize all or certain components of their desktop systems and present them at any location.

Virtualization Management

This creates a logical layer between the user and the hardware, preventing the user from directly accessing physical system resources. The layer delivers the requests to the hardware.

Data Storage Virtualization

This is a software-based storage solution which simplifies management and reduces total cost of ownership. Furthermore, it provides predictable performance and scalability.

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Stop worrying about technology issues. Just focus on your work. Let us determine and manage the technology you need for you.

Contact Us

Stop worrying about technology issues. Just focus on your work. Let us determine and manage the technology you need for you.

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