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Network and Security Virtualization

HomeOur SolutionsVirtualization SolutionsNetwork and Security Virtualization

NSX is the network virtualization platform used in VMware’s Software Defined Data Center (SDDC) model, which enables the operational model of the virtual machine to be used for network structures. With NSX, network functions (switching, routing, firewall) are distributed throughout the data center structure embedded in the hypervisor. This model provides the “Network Hypervisor” layer, which acts as a platform for virtual networks and services. Just like virtual machines, virtual network topologies are defined and managed, completely independent of the physical hardware that constitutes the infrastructure. NSX can repeatedly create the entire network model, using only the software layer. It allows you to set different network topologies from the simplest to the complex in seconds. This enables IT administrators to implement networks with a wide range of characteristics, with many combinations of services and a much higher level of security.


Benefits of NSX

NSX provides detailed workload security, isolates sensitive systems, and reduces the risk and scope of compatibility through micro-segmentation in virtualized networks. NSX is used to provide and demonstrate operations that comply with many regulations such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, FedRAMP, SOC, CJIS, DISA STIG and so on.

The time it takes to define and start the network topology in which the virtual workload that makes up an application will run from days to seconds.

Workloads are created independently of physical network topology and hardware and can be moved dynamically without physical or geographic boundaries.

Third party solutions in the ecosystem can provide enhanced security and network services.

NSX provides end-to-end integrity, logical network components and services with logical switching, routing, firewall, load balancing, VPN, quality services and monitoring capabilities.

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