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Human Resources

Workspace ONE

VMware unveils a new platform that provides a safe workplace while assisting flexible working styles, where employees can bring their own devices to the workplace (BYOD – Bring Your Own Device). Adhering to the “consumer simple, enterprise secure” principle, VMware not only meets the mobility needs of end-user and enterprise IT, but also brings together all devices, services and applications to manage them securely with unified and secured identity.

Sanjay Poonen, VMware Vice President and End-User CIO;

“In the mobile cloud era that we live in; employees, devices, applications, and data now function beyond the physical walls of networks, businesses and data centres. Digital institutions are now struggling to provide a single, unified digital workspace due to disparate technology and teams. At VMware, we are proud to be the first company to integrate identity, device management and application deployment on a single platform, enabling mobile end-users to run business independently on the platform, location, device or application.”

Users of digital workspace offer a more effective and simplified way to IT in terms of managing the devices and applications. With this simplicity, it also enables the end-users to access all enterprise resources smoothly, irrespective of device type. Furthermore, it provides a secure and powerful platform in which corporate processes can be established in corporate business lines, providing a more effective mobile workforce that will have a competitive advantage in the market.

Features of VMware Workspace ONE

Self-access to the cloud, mobility and Windows applications by the user
This solution enables easy participation of new applications and employees. Employees will enjoy the first single-touch, single sign-on mobile access in the industry, creating an environment of confidence between users, devices, organisations and the cloud; providing the advantage of a patent-pending Application and System Security (SATS – Security App Token Systems). Employees will instantly access the personalised enterprise application portal and use any mobile, cloud or Windows application they wish, as soon as their authentication is complete.
Flexible options for the device: BYOD or devices of the organisation
This new, unified management platform leverages the self-service, boxed and packaged device procurement, mobile operating system (iOS, Android and Windows10) management interfaces to configure laptops, smartphones and tablets for immediate organizational use. Employees will take control of their KCG-covered devices by choosing from service choices and IT restrictions, therefore the adoption of KCG programs and productivity will increase while the risk of data loss will be reduced.
Secure applications
Employees prefer corporate mobile apps such as Mail, Calendar, Contacts and Chat–Employees and consumer apps. VMware Workspace ONE includes simple e-mail, calendar, contacts, and chat applications for consumers, while preventing data leakage from the enterprise with invisible security measures. Workspace ONE can also include third party Saas (Software as a service) applications such as Atlassian Jira, GitHub and Jenkins that developer operation teams can intervene from wherever they want, along with various web applications such as Evernote, Gmail and Yahoo! Mail.
Endpoint compatibility with data security and conditional access
VMware Workspace One powers access decisions used in any application or device, combining identity and device management with industry’s first ComplianceCheck Conditional Access to protect the most sensitive information. This approach is based on conditions in traditional identity policies such as authentication power, network scope, as well as device compliance policies such as GPS location, application whitelists/blacklists, and third-party plug-ins from AirWatch® Mobile Security Alliance partners. The Airwatch compliance engine, meanwhile, improves safety by solving compliance issues through a range of customizable, automated workflows.
Real-time application deployment and automation
The industry is witnessing a convergence between desktops, laptops and tablets, while operating systems such as Windows 10 bring mobile style usage and application management closer together. VMware Workspace ONE™ modernizes application lifecycle management, simplifying application package, deployment, and ongoing management. System administrators can automate application deployment and receive updates any time they want, while users can access Windows applications on all devices. Workspace ONE brings industry-leading VMware Airwatch mobile management and VMware Horizon®, as well as VMware App Volumes application deployment technology to the cutting edge.

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