0212 337 0707
Human Resources

Server Solutions

Server systems are the leading components of data centres. Servers are systems that provide CPU, memory and disk space required by applications running on virtualization environment or independently.

These systems, which have been used in various ways (tower, rack, blade, etc.) until now, have a more critical role these days. Serving solely for CPU and memory demand, these systems have become the cornerstone of software-defined disk systems that we call hyper-integrated (HCI), due to evolving virtualization and disk technologies.

We provide solutions with Rack, Tower and Blade options in order for the most important component of data centres, the servers, to provide high safety to your corporate infrastructure and systems that are produced as application-based to provide efficient performance in the most demanding conditions.

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Stop worrying about technology issues. Just focus on your work. Let us determine and manage the technology you need for you.

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Stop worrying about technology issues. Just focus on your work. Let us determine and manage the technology you need for you.

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