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Mobile and End-User Solutions

HomeOur SolutionsMobile and End-User Solutions

Data Market offers the most suitable portable device to its customers by analyzing the needs of companies with its expert staff and evaluating many different factors such as price performance, security and durability. We advise our customers who have difficulty in choosing between different operating systems and hardware devices and who are looking for the right device that meets their specific needs.

Moreover, Data Market analyzes the needs of its customers in terms of their priorities in touchscreen tablets and laptops and supplies hardware in optimal configuration. Licensing, support, and single-center management services ensure that organizations receive the highest return on their investment.

Our Mobile and End-User Solutions Portfolio

Desktop Virtualization

Desktop Virtualization allows users to virtualize all or certain components of their desktop systems and present them at any location.

Mobile Security

This protects, tracks, monitors and manages consumer-grade mobile devices, mobile applications and company data.

Application Virtualization

This is a solution that allows applications to be distributed and delivered as a service without being installed on user computers.

Mobile Device Management (MDM)

This improves visibility and control through snapshots of compatibility, inventory, protection, and health status of devices.

Mobile and End-User Solutions in Numbers

As the world becomes more mobile, it brings many opportunities but at the same time, many threats.


The number of mobile users in the world is almost 5 billion


Employees do business with 3 different devices on average


Almost every employee brings his/her own phone to the company


Turkish Mobile Banking ranks third in 'malware' attacks in the world

Contact Us

Stop worrying about technology issues. Just focus on your work. Let us determine and manage the technology you need for you.

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