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Data Center Virtualization

Whatever your goal and strategy is, your cloud informatics journey begins with the virtualization of your servers. Virtual servers evolve into fully virtualised software-based data centre architecture in time. Data Market offers end-to-end network establishment and storage and security virtualization services in this process of developing virtual data centres. It facilitates the commissioning of IT resources and applications and makes the resources required by the applications ready for consumption within minutes. It provides optimum performance, capacity use and compatibility with cloud management specific to organisations.

Product and Solutions


Smart and Consistent Operation Management


Simple Shared Storage for Virtual Machines

Site Recovery Manager

Easy Disaster Save for Applications


World’s leading virtualization solution for server consolidation, high accessibility and optimum capacity.


Application of operational models of virtual machines to networks.

vCloud Suite

Software-defined services and management automation for agile and efficient cloud infrastructure.

Contact Us

Stop worrying about technology issues. Just focus on your work. Let us determine and manage the technology you need for you.

Contact Us

Stop worrying about technology issues. Just focus on your work. Let us determine and manage the technology you need for you.

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