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Human Resources

Horizon Cloud

Horizon Cloud enables the multicasting of feature-rich virtual desktops and applications on a scalable cloud platform. Thus, a virtualised Microsoft desktop and its applications can be easily exhibited at anytime and anywhere. Companies can easily start using their resources on Horizon Cloud on the same day and scale them quickly when needed with flexible subscription models. The solution is to support the infrastructures that are fully managed on VMware Cloud and Microsoft Azure Public Cloud.


Horizon Cloud with Hosted Infrastructure

Horizon Cloud with Hosted Infrastructure makes it easier for Windows desktop computers and applications to be delivered as cloud service. It enables users to have access to company resources from any device, without compromising security.


Horizon Cloud on Microsoft Azure

Horizon Cloud on Microsoft Azure enables businesses to connect Microsoft Azure infrastructures to the Horizon Cloud control environment by creating a comprehensive and secure cloud-hosted solution for delivering virtualised Windows applications and session desktops. Offering customers all the benefits of Horizon Cloud, including automated service updates and an intuitive management interface, this solution differs from its competitors by providing VMware virtual applications and session desktops in over 50 Microsoft Azure global data centres.

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Stop worrying about technology issues. Just focus on your work. Let us determine and manage the technology you need for you.

Contact Us

Stop worrying about technology issues. Just focus on your work. Let us determine and manage the technology you need for you.

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