How to Track Machinery and Manufacturing?

Machine manufacturing tracking increases the manufacturing potential of the factories significantly and manages to exceed expectations in terms of efficiency. Until recently, machine and manufacturing tracking has been carried out only with a human factor. But with the help of current technology, the tracking can be completely provided remotely and instantly independent of the human factor. You can find details about how manufacturing tracking is an important process in the factories in the continuation of the content due to many reasons.

Machine Manufacturing Tracking Process from Traditional to Automated

The Industrial Revolution has undoubtedly brought various innovations related to manufacturing process just in 250 years. On the other hand, it continues to develop in this field at full-speed. Serial manufacturing which emerged when Henry Ford shifted to conveyor system in his factory requires control for quality, safety and efficiency even if it develops over time. Machine and manufacturing control which was entirely based on human factors at the beginning, has become versatile over time with developments in technology.

Currently, different systems such as computer programs, AI and IoT (Internet of Things) other than the human factor can ensure both manual and automatic manufacturing tracing. So, it turns into a process where the errors are minimised and efficiency is maximised. Machine and manufacturing tracking which is no longer about human attention and data processed with office programs, is carried to another dimension by taking advantages of the innovations introduced by Industry 4.0.

Automated Machine Manufacturing Tracing with Industry 4.0 Approach

Although manufacturing centres which combines various processes such as planning, material supply, inventory and dispatching require control at all these stages, leaving the control task only to human attention or simple computer programs, can bring lack of attention, errors and waste. However, with Industry 4.0 that integrates information technologies with manufacturing activities, humans and simple computer programs are replaces with technologies such as AI and IoT to maximise safety, efficiency and quality.

Automated tracking systems sending the changes in contact, signal or sensors with M2M (Machine to Machine) cards to servers with short intervals enable tracking, comparing and reporting of the manufacturing data for each machine. For these reasons, less manpower will be needed in the businesses, and in spite of the decreasing cost, it manages to create an important benefit in terms of manufacturing with systematic and impeccable.

Benefits and Cost of Automated Machine Manufacturing Tracking

Automated tracking systems which bring different benefits for machine and manufacturing control, aims to increase efficiency mainly. Comprehensive benefits offered by automated machine tracking system can be listed as follows:

  • Fully-automated process control without human intervention,
  • Error-fee, 100% accurate manufacturing data access,
  • Regular result with instantly processed data,
  • Programming stop times for machines,
  • Identification of machine errors and reasons,
  • Personnel efficiency and general efficiency measurements,
  • Automated periodical maintenance control besides manufacturing,
  • Eliminating manual data collection costs,
  • Automatic data sharing with CRM, ERP, MRP and Excel programs,
  • Machine and manufacturing environment connection with live manufacturing tracking.

As can be seen, the automated tracking system can offer a higher edge than manual tracking systems. The automated tracking system cost might vary for materials manufactured in the factory, the number of machines, infrastructure, technology, desired measurement data and ERP integration.

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