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Identity Centered Security Model in Organizations

Because of the crowding of today’s firms and the increasing variety of jobs and positions, the control of identity and access management has become equally difficult. When identity and access management is done manually in companies with a large number of positions, a high number of employees and position changes, there are a number of problems. This situation raises doubts as to whether the correct data is available to the right people in the work environment. Identity-centric security model, in other words Identity Management (IDM), provides a solution at this point.

What is Identity Management (IDM)?

Identity Management (IDM) is the name given to the discipline formed by the merger of all policies and applications about enabling the users of the company type organizations to access the company resources and data effectively and synchronizing the identity definitions between the company applications automatically. IDM is one of the most important technology that facilitates the management of an organisation. IDM technology has many useful features for the company, like as data security, ease of access and employee orientation. However, the identity-centered security model in organizations is related with mostly to a company’s Human Resources and IT department.

What are the Benefits of Identity Centered Security Model in Organizations for Human Resources and IT Employees?

1 – Provides Data Security

The most important role of the IT department of a company is data security. The most of cyber attacks are caused by incorrect password sequences. The passwords containing personal information, such as  birth date, name, surname or wedding anniversary dates, are clear targets of cyber attacks. Thanks to the IDM technology, it is not only user passwords; encryption methods are also used against cyber attacks. So the data and hardware security has been achieved to the highest level. .

2 – Simplifies IT Processes

The Identity Management Center tools eliminate the need for IT employees to edit dozens of hardware and document access settings for each person by identifying the powers that people working in a company will gain or lose from the moment of entry and exit. This makes IT processes easier by ensuring that all relevant authorizations are granted or removed at the time of hiring or layoffs. In addition, as the result of determination of in-house authority and seniority certifications, the authority will be regulated automatically in case of change of duty. So IT department can concentrate more on its own systematic works.

3 – Provides Uninterrupted Experience

IDM tools enable to achieve data and certifications stored in the cloud not only in the physical environment but also in the virtual environment. This is a great opportunity for the Human Resources and IT department. In case of a need, people working in these departments can access to remote networks continuously. Thus, there are no disruptions to work and experience.

4 – Reduces Error Margin

Employees of the Human Resources and IT departments, who have to manage a large number of hardware and databases in large corporate organizations with a high number of employees, are most likely to make mistakes when performing these operations manually.

Because the manual application of all identification, update and deletion methods for each person will result in more and more time consuming and very complicated process. IDM systems, while simplifying the IT department’s work, minimize the margin of error at the same time. While all the people of the same seniority and in the same position have the same access rights automatically; the possibility of giving extra rights to the desired person according to the role definitions is provided through the software used. This saves both time and workload while minimizing the margin of error.

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