The term Application Modernization, which we have heard frequently in the ever-evolving and evolving technology sector, is to harness the power of new technologies by making our existing applications compatible with today’s technologies. While ensuring that old applications run smoothly, meeting today’s needs can be time consuming and intense resource consumption. You can make your applications compatible with current technologies by modernizing your applications. Although there are many alternatives in this process of adaptation and adaptation, the most popular today technology is cloud technologies. As Datamarket, we will talk about how we follow a road map with the power of Azure on application modernization and the methods in this area.
Application Modernization for Azure
Platform As A Service (PaaS), which Azure offers to us, is the best approach to maximize the security, quality and compatibility of your applications with its ease of use and compatibility with current technologies.
Application Modernization Strategies
You can move the application on the cloud using the minimum settings to be made on the App Service with the Lift and Shift method. The appropriate codebase remains the same.
It allows developers to increase their efficiency in code development and make it scalable.
Used to review applications. They adapt better in the cloud. It is a situation that involves changing the application and the code written. More effort is required than Rehost. Developers can access and use compatible languages, containers faster. They can quickly perform CI / CD processes with tools like DevOps. It can easily enable applications to run on the most ideal infrastructure by using up or down scaling actions.
In this option, you can reconfigure your application according to the Micro Service model and start your applications with Containers and DevOps. This method allows you to rediscover your application thanks to business continuity, division of labor, low cost and scalability. If it is desired to use PaaS on the cloud side, it includes microservice, Serverless, Containers and DevOps applications.
It is recommended to re-create your application to get the most important benefits in the cloud.
With reconstruction (Rebuild), the application is rewritten as a cloud-based application.
If an old application is still running, it can be converted to cloud-based solutions. For example, sites on IIS can be replaced with App Service. You get rid of security and update actions.
I share a link for you to create and experience Application Modernization in a lab environment.